Monday, March 18, 2013


The students presented their plays on friday! The plays were all written, acted out and designed by the students.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Rock Puppet shows

This week the students used all there creative, art, writing and theatrical skills to start making puppet shows. It will be a two or three week process for them to have a finished product. This week we brainstormed ideas as to narrate how rocks are formed. We split into 3 groups sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic.  They come up with a story line, characters and started making the background scenes. It was so fun to hear the different stories they came up with. They were so creative. 

Sunday, February 17, 2013

You Rock! Watercolor

        This week Mrs. Clifford's class started a new science unit on rocks. They learned about the different types of rocks; sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic. I reviewed and showed them some pictures of rocks. Then we practiced some different water color techniques. After learning the different ways to paint with water color they used what they learned to paint different types of rocks. Class went well and the students were very good at following instructions. Here are some photos

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Paper Sculptures and Components of Weather

Today was very successful!  The students used their creativity, problem solving skills, and their knowledge about weather to create beautiful, interesting, awesome, paper sculptures.
We started off talking about the vocab word component that goes with their weather unit. We listed the different components of weather. After Mrs. Clifford told me this theme last week we decided paper sculptures was something that would apply to it perfectly. I found images of different paper sculptures online that would give the students ideas as to what they could make. We went through my power point and the students drew the different ideas that they liked and wanted to make. Mrs. Clifford helps me teach and is great about talking about information that I might have missed. I really appreciate this because sometimes I have so much to think about that I miss some things.

Side note...
One students asked who the man was at the back of the class. I told them Doug(who came and observed me today) was here to make sure I was doing a good job and that he worked at BYU. After I told the student this they said "oh he doesn't have to worry you are doing a Great job!" haha that made me feel good.

I have a lot of photos to show their work. I keep forgetting to take videos. I will remember next week.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Severe Weather

Friday we talked about severe weather vs normal weather. The students looked at some paintings of weather some being severe(hurricanes, tornadoes, thunderstorms, lightning storms, etc) and some being normal. We talked about the differences in the paintings and how the artist uses different techniques to portray different emotion in the paintings. Then the students painted with a partner after the different weather conditions. Everything went smoothly and the kids had fun. 

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Painted Clouds

  I taught my first time with Mrs. Clifford's 4th grade class last friday. It was a blast. I am really looking forward to these next couple months.We get to learn some science and make some art. When I was in elementary school science was my favorite subject so I am happy to get back into it. I wish I could remember what I learned back then I guess I will have to do a bit of studying. This week we learned about Clouds. Who knew there are so many different kinds. Luckily, we only have to remember the main three: Cirrus, Stratus and Cumulus. To help us remember we painted the clouds. You can see for yourself how talented this class is. The clouds look very cloud like. Especially those Cirrus clouds.