Tuesday, October 16, 2012

creepy crawly SPIDERS!

Today was a blast! We made spiders out of egg carton containers, pipe cleaners, and googly eyes.
First we talked about and described real spiders. The students used great adjectives to describe the spiders. We looked at trapdoor spiders, black widows, crab spiders and many more. I also introduced our Halloween House. We made a Halloween house out of card board boxes and we are using our art to decorate it. The students couldn't wait to go inside. Mrs. Keele had the awesome idea to string up some of the spiders on the box with fishing line to make them look like they were crawling on webs. The House looks great so far and we will add to it as we make more art. Here are some pictures of the project today.


  1. The kids absolutely loved this project. The topic was high interest and it kept them excited and engaged. The students are excited to add lots of fun decorations to their Halloween House.

  2. We used to make spiders out of dried bull thistles and pipe cleaners. Googly eyes as well.
